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The Lettings Specialists, Surrey and Sussex

Throughout their combined careers the Directors of Knights Estate Agents have presided over the successful rental of thousands of properties. Letting out a Residential Property can be a minefield, especially as there are now almost 150 pieces of law effecting tenancies and landlords. Specialist advisors are crucial to keeping you protected whilst maximising your income and minimising risk.

The Lettings Specialists

Our quality over quantity approach ensures our clients receive the best service. Our experience, expertise and all-round property know-how ensure the best outcome.

Knights are a full-service, residential letting specialist with over 50 years of combined experience between our team of three qualified experts. We all share a passion for delivering first-class service and have a deep understanding of marketing, tenant screening, letting legislation and everything that goes alongside creating long-lasting, trouble-free tenancies for our clients.

So, why choose Knights?

For over a decade we have helped landlords throughout Sussex and Surrey by utilising our all-round letting know-how. Our obsession with doing things correctly combined with our attention to detail has led our operation to great success.

  • Unparalleled Tenant Screening process which as led to industry defying results of a 33-month average tenancy length
  • Property Showcasing experts: professional photography, floorplans with square footage and measurements, Video Tours and well written property briefs
  • Far-reaching exposure to a vast audience of pre-qualified tenants
  • Corporate and Relocation Agent contacts often looking to secure corporate tenancies of 1-3 years
  • The Knights team are all Propertymark Protected and fully qualified, ensuring the highest standards
  • Over ten years of successful operation and counting….
  • Well-reviewed with over 130 online reviews and an average 4.8 out of 5 stars (96% approval rating).
  • Client Money Protection. All client money is kept in a secure, ring-fenced account which is independently verified each year
  • Multi Award-Winning Letting Specialists
  • Competitive fee packages to suit all Landlords with Rent Guarantee available
  • Experienced property management experts, with a large team of vetted and approved, skilled contractors.

Explore our expert advice

Can you afford to self-manage your rental property under the Renters Rights Bill

Can you afford to self-manage your rental property under the Renters Rights Bill

In this video Ross Gardner M.A.RL.A. looks at the prospect of Landlords self-managing their rental properties under the Renters Rights Bill.

Standing out from the crowd

Standing out from the crowd

If you are thinking of renting your property the overwhelming odds are that your tenant will find out about your property by searching online.

Buying as a Limited Company V Personal Ownership

Buying as a Limited Company V Personal Ownership

Landlords can no longer deduct all of their finance costs from their property income. Landlords now instead receive a basic rate reduction from their income tax liability for finance costs…

Knights Showcase

Knights Showcase

A Showcase of some our recent Lets Agreed in Surrey & Sussex on behalf of our wonderful Landlords. 

Almost 150 pieces of law now affecting Landlords

Almost 150 pieces of law now affecting Landlords

NOT ALL LETTING AGENTS ARE REGULATED Is your agent keeping you safe and complying with the law? While there is no mandatory regulation of letting agents and landlords, there are…

Property Video Tours

Property Video Tours

The COVID-19 Pandemic has made property Video Tours absolutely essential to the marketing process, Knights are very happy to offer all our clients FREE Video Tours to enhance the value of service we offer to our clients.

An 8-Step Guide to Buying an Investment Property

An 8-Step Guide to Buying an Investment Property

Thinking about purchasing an investment property? Real estate has produced many of the world’s wealthiest people, so there are plenty of reasons to think that it is a sound investment.

How long does it take to Let a property?

How long does it take to Let a property?

Ever wondered how long it takes for Knights to establish a tenancy properly? See how Knights do it!

Knights average tenancy is over 38 months!

Knights average tenancy is over 38 months!

In this video, Ross discusses Knights industry defying 38+ month average tenancy length and explores why this is a great thing for Landlords and Tenants alike

Selling and moving into Rented accommodation

Selling and moving into Rented accommodation

In this video Ross Gardner M.A.R.L.A. co-owner of Knights, explores the process of Selling your home and moving into Rented accommodation and offers guidance on how best to do this for a smooth transaction.

Renters Reform Bill Update (May 2024)

Renters Reform Bill Update (May 2024)

In this video Ross Gardner M.A.R.L.A. co-owner of Knights, gives an update on The Renters Reform Bill.

Effective Property Management from Knights

Effective Property Management from Knights

In this video Phillipa Shoults M.A.R.L.A. Lettings and Property Manager for Knights explains why effective and efficient Property Management is crucial for Landlords and Investors.

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